Thursday, June 13, 2013

Transfers Sale of WoW

To those complaining about that transfers sale right before this announcement.WoW accounts for sale.. do consider that with this system blizzard is voluntarily giving up a descent chunk of income in the future.WoW Gold for Sell If this really ends up merging tons of servers into a virtual one there's basicaly no reason to use a payed transfer ever again.

On my old, dying realm, 5 topmost guilds chose to transfer off.WoW money  While main teams did go, the rest of the rosters, about half of the total count, left the game, or rerolled (and used transferers to get some gold and items over) rather choosing to pay.

If you have a basis for claiming it's "decent chunk", then point me to a P&L please. Else I call BS.

I'd say, this decision is a followup to a rapid decline in both subs and transfer fees, when they realized their cynical milking strategy is effectively killing the game.

I am kinda worried about what servers will be added to this. I play on basically a medium pop server and I am worried about being left out. At a glance our server looks fine, decent economy, a couple low tier heroic guilds, can find raid pugs occasionally... But that's it, once you actually take a serious look at it you find a server that has been slowly dying over the past few years, no serious guilds actively trying to clear heroic raid content, and an extremely dead chat at various points in the day.

We are not as bad off as a lot of servers I realize that, but, we aren't in the best of shape.

This has me concerned as well. I am really hoping for the more dynamic type system that described above, but I would expect this isn't something that will just be for "low pop" realms as the technology would be there to link multiple CRZ servers (At this point, I am assuming that would be the plan) would allow them to say, link 2 medium sized servers together. Or a medium and a low.

At the moment, I think I take my low pop realm for granted. It's so nice to farm rares with no competition or do dailies without getting consistently ganked. But then I remember back to BC and Wrath when my realm was medium pop - it was full of life and a lot more fun overall. I say 'bring it on!'. It will be nice to see new faces and hopefully make some new friends!

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